Friday, April 1, 2011

March 27 - Albuquerque

We pedaled some of the very nice Bosque Trail in Albuquerque.  There are quite a few bicycle trails in town and many bicyclers take advantage of them.  The Bosque Trail was especially nice because it wasn't near any highway.

3/29 - We rode the Sandia Tramway straight up for two miles to Sandia Peak.  Sandia means watermelon and the peak got its name from the watermelon color it gets sometimes when the sun is going down.  We went up two miles and the temperature dropped 20 degrees.  It was only in the 30s at the top and windy.  BRRRR!

The cables, the mountain, and a view of Albuquerque below.

The tram.  Today was our tram operator's last day on the job so another operator took over inside and ours rode on the top of the tram all the way down the mountain.  The trip takes 15 minutes and there are no seats in the tram.  I'm glad we took this ride while it was still cool outside because people pass out from the heat that builds up in the tram during the summer.  Galen is taking photos of the view.

The pipes on top of the sign are aimed at specific landmarks and the landmarks are listed on the lower portion of the sign.  Pretty cool.

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